May 13th 2015

May 19th, 2015 by

Which parent do you like better me or your dad? Just kidding….figured that would help break the ice. What was last nights topic that you guys discussed? PARENTSĀ  Do you feel we have a strong relationship and that you can talk to me about anything? Do you feelĀ that I support you when you make decisions? […]

May 6th 2015

May 7th, 2015 by

What do you think of social media? Why has social media become such a big craze in our culture? Why do you use social media? How often do people really use social media to connect with other people? Have you ever hung out with someone that is always on there phone? How did that make […]

April 29th 2015

April 30th, 2015 by

Who was an influential person in your life that talked to you about Jesus and helped you make the decision to follow Christ? Would you want someone to say that you are part of their story? Who is someone that you have recently talked about your faith with? Do you have friends that are atheists, […]